I am a passionate engineer, originally from the Isle of Wight, who has recently obtained a PhD in Microwave Engineering from the University of Surrey and the National Physical Laboratory. This has provided me with a background in electromagnetic metrology and RF instrumentation.
I currently work as an RF engineer at the Diamond Light Source synchrotron (particle accelerator) at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell site, near Oxfordshire. This work involves maintaining high availability of megawatt amplifier systems including klystrons, inductive output tubes and new solid-state amplifiers. In addition, I am involved with FPGA development and work on linux-based distributed control systems (EPICS).
A proud supporter of free, open source software, I host all of my projects on Github. I often extend this to my hardware projects, some of which are hosted on Hackaday.io. I restarted the Electronics and Amateur Radio Society (EARS) at my university, which included opening a new makerspace for students to work on personal and group projects.
My CV can be found here.